The mantra Om Kali Ma vibrates with Her power and transports you to Her domain. With every inhalation say to yourself silently Om Kali Ma and feel Her infuse your body with Her power, radiance and love. With every exhalation, silently breathe out Om Kali Ma and feel Her presence fill the universe around you. Breathe in Om Kali Ma and drink in Her elixir. Breathe out Om Kali Ma and float like a bubble in the ocean of the Divine. Allow your ego to sleep and the Divine to awaken within you.
Kali teaches that pain, sorrow, decay,
death, and destruction are not overcome by denying or explaining them
away. These are inevitable parts of life and denying them is futile.
For us to realize the fullness of our being and to realize our
potential, we must accept these parts of existence. Kali's gift is
freedom. The freedom of the child to revel in the moment, obtained only
after confrontation with or acceptance of death. Kali is Mother, not
because She protects us from the way things are, but because She
reveals our mortality to us and releases us to act fully and freely;
She releases us from the web of pretense, practicality and rationality.
Of all the Devi forms, Kali is the most
compassionate because She provides liberation to Her children. A soul
who engages in spiritual practice to remove the illusion of the ego sees
Mother Kali as sweet, affectionate, and overflowing with love for Her
If you need to see a situation
with crystal clarity, Kali can help you discern the reality behind the
illusion and perceptions. This ritual should be performed during the
waxing moon for an increase in clarity and perceptiveness. It can be
modified to ask Kali to banish things that are in the way of your
seeing clearly. When used as a banishing, perform it during a waning
moon and substitute a second black candle for the white candle.
- smudge stick
- one new black candle
- one new white candle
- one new candle in a color of your choosing
- incense in a scent of your choosing
- Arrange the items how you see appropriate on your altar or the table where you will perform this ritual.
- Smudge the area.
- Cast the circle in your preferred way.
- Call the five directions in your preferred way.
- Invite Kali to your ritual. Relate to Her as a child of the Dark Mother in need of Her assistance. Light the black candle to honor and welcome Kali.
- Ask Kali to burn away all illusion in Her Purifying Fires and to allow you to see truth and reality. Light the white candle from the black candle to show Her Fires igniting.
- Light the candle that represents you from the white candle to show illusion being cleared from your mind and vision, and, to show the clarity manifesting within you.
- Remain with the three candles burning in front of you for as long as you wish and meditate on your issue or problem.
- When you are ready, thank Kali for Her gracious assistance. Ask Her to remain, if She desires, but to go if She must.
- Thank the five directions for being present and contributing Their energies to your ritual.
- Open the circle.
- If it is safe to do so, allow the candles to burn out by themselves. Otherwise, extinguish the candles. Take the remaining candle wax and ash from the incense and bury them, if it is feasible.